So I finished this book two weeks ahead of schedule cause I hit my stride at some point last week and couldn’t put it down until it was over. We’ve still got a little more than a week to finish the book, though, so if you’re not finished yet no need to worry! As always, remember to keep an eye on the Monthly Readalong page at the top so that you’re not missing any of the updates and if you’re interested in joining the readalong or learning about the giveaway rules, you can find all that information linked to on that page.

And don’t forget to update me in the comments below about where you’re at in the reading, what you think so far, or what you already think if this is a reread for you!

IMG_0451And now for my weekly update on A Court of Thorns and Roses.

Depite having finished the book, this post will focus solely on events in the book up to the 75% mark, which should put readers at about page ( ) by this Thursday. There will be spoilers posted below, so if you have not reached the 75% mark and do not wish to know what happens, now is the time to stop reading.

So, Feyre has been released and returned home upon the imminent threat of a her we are not yet fully aware of. It’s certainly a different and welcome dynamic from the book’s theme of Beauty and the Beast. I simply loved that he released her even in spite of knowing that it would doom him based solely on his need to protect her rather than because something awful happened that required her attention back home. There’s something a lot more emotional and beautiful about that plot. It’s also wonderful to see that there is no Gaston villain, but rather one from fairie who threatens their lives.

I’ll admit, the chapters Feyre spent at home were engaging, but not particularly interesting as they sort of follow a hazy break from the real action. However, I really enjoyed her interactions with her sister, Nesta, who despite the fact that everyone around her forgot what had truly happened always remembered the events that led to her sister’s disappearance. Where I had not really cared for Nesta in the beginning, the development she received was more perfect than I could have ever asked for and the ability for Feyre and Nesta to rebuild their bond as sisters definitely earned the book points from my end.

Everything picks up as Feyre leaves, realizing that she cannot leave Tamlin behind to face whatever dangers threaten him and his people. She returns to find that it is too late, the time for the curse to be broken has ended, and Tamils and his people have been taken by Amarantha. At least, most of them have. Alis remains behind to give us some much needed information before Feyre sets out to save the man she loves.

And such began the moment that I couldn’t put the book down.

From entering Amarantha’s lair, facing the evil and bargaining for the release of Tamlin and his court, to the challenges and that stupid riddle I was hooked. And before I go, I just have to say, dammit Feyre. That riddle? Really? This was perhaps almost the only point where I nearly docked points because that riddle was so simple. And we’ve got Feyre wondering relentlessly about what it could possibly be to the point that she simply accepts that she’ll have to hope for the best with the trials.

And a part of me gets it, because it can be terrifying to know you only get one shot at an answer and personally I think I might have had a very hard time admitting to the answer that I knew it was from the moment the riddle first appeared merely on account of the fact that the small sliver of doubt in an answer that could harm so much if it was wrong would make me feel quite weary of giving one. But Feyre couldn’t even figure it out? IMG_0601

And I guess, ultimately, I decided it worked regardless simply on account of the fact that Feyre is not well read. And riddles can be hard if one has never heard them before, let alone read enough to understand how to dismantle them. But damn, the whole time she pondered over that riddle it felt like love was just bouncing about behind her, screaming pick me like Donkey does in Shrek and she remained completely oblivious to its screams for attention. Pick me! Me! Me! Meeeee!

Perhaps I’m a bit dramatic. 🤗

Happy reading, everyone!

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